fela | Interfaces


There is no doubt that transport companies use standard interfaces for the control systems (ITCS). Timetable data must be regularly input and brought up-to-date. The connection to data hubs is also essential for modern transport companies.

Groups and transport companies must be mutually compatible and offer the option of exchanging data via interfaces and transfer this information to the passenger.

There is no unified SIRI profile at the moment to integrate an interface converter function as standard into the data hubs. We were currently the only system supplier to go live with FELA’s own connection to CUS at the beginning of February 2022. This is compatible with SIRI 2.0 and similar interfaces.

The FELA passenger information system has diverse relevant interfaces in accordance with VDV:

VDV 452 Timetable data import

The standard format for the exchange of timetable data is the VDV 452.

The aim of the “VDV Standard interface line network/timetable” is to transfer line network definitions and timetables from our source system to a target system.

As a rule, the timetable data are passed on from a (travel and service) planning program of the transport planning to the consumer systems. The aim is the operational monitoring and control (ITCS), the cost control and/or the publication.

The calendar of the timetable is not depicted in the interface and is therefore transferred as non-legible.

The FELA passenger information system meets the requirements of VDV 452.



Exchange of actual data for the display of real-time data

The “dynamic passenger information” is used for the transfer of data for the operation of passenger information displays at way stations.

Applicable here is that one of the two operations involved processes the priority for the display (display owner) and therefore controls it. The operation that would like to display passenger information on a third-party display is designated as display user.

The FELA passenger information system meets the requirements of VDV 453 DFI.



Exchange of actual data for the dynamising of timetable information with actual data

Transfer from updated planning and operational data = “timetable information” interface

With that, an interface between the Intermodal Transport Control System (ITCS) and information systems is largely described for automatic transfer of current timetable and operational status data. As the information system typically only knows the relevant parts of the trip for the passenger, the ITCS may also transfer only the productive parts to the information system.

The FELA passenger information system meets the requirements of VDV 454 AUS.

We were currently the only system supplier to go live with FELA’s own connection to CUS at the beginning of February 2022. This is compatible with SIRI 2.0, with VDV 454 and similar interfaces.



Transfer of current daily nominal timetables to the known ITCS lines to the information system VDV 454 REF-AUS improves the medium-term information quality and facilitates the referencing of the actual messages in the AUS service to the nominal timetable. The REF-AUS service also transfers information via planned connections and the linking of trips, in which the passenger can remain seated in the vehicle.

The FELA passenger information system meets the requirements of VDV 454 REF-AUS.


The Railway Markup Language (railML) defines data structures of real transport on the basis of XML. It is used for the structured data exchange between various participants.


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FELA Management AG